Pewdiepie. VanossGaming. Markiplier. All names that you’ll see consistently topping those ‘Top Gaming YouTubers’ lists. They’re unsurpassable goliaths of YouTube and Twitch with unrivaled subscriber numbers, that earn millions of dollars a year just by existing on their chosen platforms.
This is a different list of gaming influencers. A curated list of smaller, yet just as impressive, incredible creators. These are the ones to have in your sights, the ones that’ll burn bright while the red giants burn out.
To mark the launch of, this is our list of gaming influencers to watch this year. It’s not a countdown, but a collection of influencers that have impressed us over the past year.
The creators featured are those that are making waves across the gaming space, channels that have enjoyed a recent surge in popularity, or influencers that may not be as well known, but are making an impact with their content.
If there’s anyone we may have missed, we’d love to hear about them. Get in touch with our editor [email protected], or our senior editor [email protected].
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