
Streamer threatens to sue Reddit mods over scam accusations

Streamer threatens to sue Reddit mods over scam accusations

Streamer James ‘Phantoml0rd’ Varga has clearly developed a taste for lawsuits.

Having already been involved in a legal tussle with Twitch, Varga is now threatening to sue the mods of r/livestreamfail over the subreddit’s repeated accusations that he is participating in a skin gambling scam.

Polygon reports that Varga was previously caught up in the controversy surrounding Counter Strike Global Offensive skin gambling. Now a string of evidence allegedly suggests that he has been peddling ‘VGO’ skin gambling, which differs from older forms of skin gambling because the items purchased cannot actually be used in game.

Varga has been caught on camera talking about the upcoming operations of one particular site, VGO Unbox. He also uses the term ‘we’ instead of ‘they’. Varga’s girlfriend also said on stream that VGO Unbox has ties to skin trading system OPSkins, which Varga has previously been associated with.


While there is little concrete proof to back up any of this, Varga has taken such exception to the repeated use of the word ‘scam’ that a message was posted to r/livestreamfail by the mods on his behalf: “Any further allowance of this post or posts like this will result in legal action that will involve your moderation team and Reddit staff for allowing this post to exist.”

The sub team have so far resisted, saying that for the posts to be removed they would have to violate Reddit’s T&Cs by either representing “systemic or continued actions to torment or demean someone” or “cause [a person] to fear for [their] safety or the safety of those around [them]”.

The mods added: “[We] would suggest to you, PhantomL0rd, that if you wish to pursue your business ventures free of judgement from the greater reddit community, or the community of /r/LivestreamFail specifically, that you don’t stream yourself interacting with your gambling site directly.”
