has teamed up with esports and streaming analytics firm Stream Hatchet to bring you weekly charts of the most popular games in the streaming space.
This chart documents the most watched games by hours across Twitch, YouTube Gaming, Mixer and Facebook.
Each week we'll be documenting the top ten most watched titles across all the major streaming platforms, so you can see which games are thriving among content creators and which titles are waning in popularity. We also have a chart documenting the week's biggest content creators.
This chart covers the week commencing November 5th to November 11th.
Most watched games
This week we've got Fortnite front and centre, but the battle royale has dropped another 4 per cent in views this week. League of Legends comes in second place after also dropping 3 per cent of views.
PUBG has enjoyed a surprising climb up to third place with a 5 per cent increase in views. CS:GO isn't far behind after experiencing a 28 per cent increase in views this week. The CS:GO Intel Extreme Masters Chicago tournament came to an end this week which could be responsible for the game's surge in views.
Dota 2 comes in at number 5 this week, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is in sixth place after a 22 per cent drop - the title's lowest position on the chart since it launched in October.
Warframe is a surprise entrant this week, with an absolutely whopping 2250 per cent increase in views this week. While we're not completely sure what happened there, the F2P shooter released a new expansion last week and a few big Twitch streamers have picked it up. As of writing, the game is currently the fifth most popular on Twitch.
FIFA19 is number eight this week with a 9 per cent increase in views. Red Dead Redemption 2 has experienced the largest drop in views; the rootin' tootin' adventure has had a 56 per cent decrease in views.
Overwatch is still clinging on to the chart top 10 after a 12 per cent loss in views since last week. Blizzard's FPS multiplayer enjoyed a surge in views last week after announcing a new hero, but interest seems to have settled back down.