AI powered marketing company AdHive has announced a platform to promote the use of ICOs.
The platform uses both influencer marketing and AI-powered campaign management. AdHive works closely with the crypto market, allowing influencers to utilise the blockchain.
Back in March, the platform successfully closed a $12m tokensale round with deposits from whitelisted users, selling 5,839 tokens through the presale and first phase of the tokensale.
Off the chain
“We have our own analytical tool, which allows us to analyze influencers’ accounts and find out the quality of the content, their base of subscribers, their organic traffic, and comments,” AdHive cofounder Alexandr Kuzmin said, speaking to VentureBeat.
“There are several categories of influencers in our base - micro-influencers with no more than 10,000 subscribers, a middle category with 10,000 to 50,000 subscribers, and macro-influencers with more than 50,000.
"Such classifications allow brands to take a ‘soft dip’ into our platform to make the first campaign among micro-influencers to see how it works and warm up the market, and then after that launch a big advertising campaign and create a buzz on the crypto market.”
AdHive's goal is to help brands use crypto currency to fund influencer marketing.
“At the moment, we are offering an individual approach to each client based on their needs, KPIs, and marketing strategy,” Kuzmin added.
“However, an average advertising campaign with approximate coverage of more than 80,000 views would cost about $10,000. This price includes our commission. We accept BTC, ETH, and our own ADH tokens as a means of payment. Since we have been actively working with a global network of influencers, we can offer much more favorable prices for brands than if they contact the influencer directly.”