They’re real and relatable; engaging and creative. They give trusted recommendations that can change buyer behaviours. Ultimately, it’s the authentic, attainable content beauty and fashion influencers have perfected that gives them massive marketing power.
If you’re a beauty or fashion brand, you want a piece of that pie. In fact, you want to get your finger in more pies than a super keen Greggs employee. Which leaves us with the question - how do you get into the world of these elusive social media stars? How do you get your products into their posts and in front of the eyeballs of their avid followers?
Step by step
If an influencer really loves your product or service, they might reach out to collaborate themselves - but the most common scenario is that you will have to approach them. Do this correctly and you can successfully pitch to the perfect influencer for boosting your brand awareness, driving new visitors to your website and generating trust among fashion and beauty consumers.
Working With Brands month is brought to you in association with Nevaly. We bridge the gap between your brand objectives and the social landscape by delivering creative solutions that resonate with audiences through content and activations they know and love. Find out more here.
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