This week in 'stupidity online', there's a double whammy of idiocy on YouTube.
First up we have YouTuber Carmie Sellitto. This week, the vlogger filmed himself bathing in bleach.
Sellitto, who makes content on YouTube channel Touchdalight, says he's going to 'bathe in bleach for 24 hours' and then documents himself pouring five full bottles of off-brand bleach in to a bath tub and then adding a touch of water.
He submerges his hand first and discovers that the bleach will actually burn his skin. So like a smart individual, he then climbs inside the bath and sits his entire body in to the bleachy liquid. Sellitto keeps his socks on though, as to not burn his feet.
Obviously, the YouTuber ends up covered in burns and is then seemingly taken to hospital to waste NHS resources.
Folks on Twitter were not best pleased with the video. While some fans speculated that the footage was fake, they also said that the implied bathing in bleach stunt was irresponsible to share online.
Comedian Al Foran very rightly pointed out that Sellitto has a large following on Twitter and YouTube, and that exhibiting this kind of behaviour could lead a fan to hurt themselves.
You have a big following on Twitter and YouTube, what kind of example is this setting for your young followers who could potentially copy what you're doing here and seriously harm themselves? All for the sake of getting "Attention" seriously man, get help.
— Al Foran (@ImpressionistAL) July 30, 2018
Sellito has made a response video to his criticism, which is mostly him saying that the 'clout' from him doing something stupid is a good thing.
He goes on to say that the video is fake and that he's "not that crazy".
"If anything, this video is going to encourage young people to not want to bathe in bleach." Sellitto says in the video.
Laxative man
On to YouTube idiot number two - the father that filmed himself giving laxatives to his own children.
29 year old Cordero James Brady, known as CJ SO COOL on YouTube, laced his kids' ice cream with laxatives before proceeding to record the reation.
The video features rather harrowing footage of the children crying in pain and trying to close the bathroom door while Brady films it.
While the content has been removed now (either by YouTube or Brady himself) his channel with 5.6 million subs is still active.
Brady pulls regular pranks on his family and has been under investigation for child abuse before. In 2016, Clark County Child Protective Services looked in to Brady's activity.
Dr Kortney Peagram from anti-child abuse charity Bulldog Solution commented on the video, saying that "harming your child on purpose with laxatives is child abuse".
"That’s child endangerment," she added: "[he is] harming his children and bullying them to pull pranks on each other, it is really disturbing. He’s modelling inappropriate behavior and encouraging it by laughte. He’s teaching his children that it’s okay to harm each other for a good laugh."