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How Futureplay blew its brand marketing budget on influencers and what it learned
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Ted to Toe in micro-influencers: Ted Baker's marketing success
Instagram has allowed us to create our own style shows. Today, peer recommendations are power.

Fullscreen research demonstrates how branded social content can positively impact offline sales
The company worked with Shareablee and IRI to unveil the link between social content and sales

Snap Games, Audience Network and Snap Kit: All the big announcements from Snapchat's first Partner Summit

When an influencer turns infamous - crisis management strategies for brands

"I could see him watching": the dark side of being an influencer
Content creator Hannah Rutherford describes a harrowing year of being stalked by a fan online

Five marketing tools to help grow your Instagram in 2019
Instagram has over a million users worldwide. A marketer's paradise. Here's how to work it.

What is TikTok? A marketer’s guide to the new kid on the block
You've seen the adverts, and now its time to learn why TikTok is taking the youth by storm.

Time ran out for TikTok: why the social networking app got clocked with a record-setting $5.7 million FTC penalty

Case study: How Wish's #TimeOnYourHands campaign hooked the discount shopper

Influencer CEO: "Changing our focus to engagement metrics may be the best way to stamp out influencer fraud"

Games industry roundup: Wargroove recovers dev costs in three days, GDAC partners with Enjin, and the death of the MCN